Ugh. Fini was supposed to start speech therapy again in September, but there are no therapists with any time to take him on, so he's been wait listed again. They're...
Seneca G. replied: or you can call them at 253-854-5660. :)
Seneca G. replied:
You can still go where Jennifer Bolieu Linstad is talking about but instead of the SKIP program, you go to Children's Therapy Services (the "after they turn three" program).:) FWIW, I requested to work on speech therapy at home with my youngest. After...See More
So, I am still wondering if anyone knows of a good speech therapist for Ella Grace that just works in a doctor's office... It's great that I can go to a school but...
Deena L. replied:
Flora Galloway says...Sonya Gavon at the Tacoma Learning Center is wonderful.